April 29, 2021

7 Resources to Keep the Animals in Your Shelter Healthy

1. Create Your Own Infection Prevention Protocol

This cleaning and disinfection protocol tool will provide you with step-by-step instructions to create customizable protocols for your facility.

2. Get Your Veterinary Infection Preventionist Certificate

Become an infection preventionist in your facility with these learning modules on infection prevention.

3. One Pager PDF: Keeping Cats Healthy and Happy in Shelters

Learn how to reduce the stress and illness for cats when they enter animal shelters. Content contributed by Dr. Sara Pizano, Team Shelter USA and Million Cat Challenge.

Download the one-pager here.

4. Webinar: Best Practice Strategies Before, During, and After the Pandemic with Dr. Sara Pizano

5. Webinar: Opening the Door to Lifesaving: How Portals Can Save Shelter Cats with Dr. Sara Pizano

6. Webinar: COVID-19- 5 Critical Takeaways for Your Shelter with Dr. Sara Pizano, Dr. Sarah Kirk, Dr. Cynda Crawford, and dr. Julie Levy

7. Book: The Best Practice Playbook for Animal Shelters

Edited by: Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVM, DABVP, & Julie K. Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DABVP

The Best Practice Playbook for Animal Shelters outlines proven best practice strategies to keep pets with their families, engage communities to action on behalf of pets in need, create responsible public policy and place pets who do enter the shelter quickly into homes or back to their original homes. This book is a ‘must read’ for anyone interested in recreating and supporting a compassionate animal welfare system in every community.

The book is available on Amazon.